ICS-SOLO:New Look, Same Reliable Protection

ICS-SOLO:New Look, Same Reliable Protection

In today’s fast-paced industries, where laser technology plays a critical role in manufacturing, medical applications, and research, safety remains the top priority. Working with high-powered lasers demands precision, control, and robust safety measures to protect both personnel and the environment from potential hazards. To continue delivering cutting-edge laser safety solutions, Lasermet is excited to reintroduce…

Rediscover CaLM: Advanced Laser Monitoring at Your Fingertips

Rediscover CaLM: Advanced Laser Monitoring at Your Fingertips

Lasermet is thrilled to announce the new CaLM(Control and Laser Monitoring) System, now featuring a major upgrade in its features, uses and capabilities. This relaunch brings three key upgrades: a new look, responsive touch-screen interface, and the addition of Active Laser Jailer Monitoring for improved safety. These enhancements offer a more intuitive user experience with…