A Guide to Safety for Optical Table Systems

A Guide to Safety for Optical Table Systems

Comprehensive Laser Safety Solutions designed for your needs In the domain of laser technology, safety is not just a priority – it’s a necessity. Whether in research laboratories, industrial, or medical facilities, controlling and mitigating the risks associated with laser use is crucial. At Lasermet, we design various laser safety products specifically for your needs:…

Rediscover CaLM: Advanced Laser Monitoring at Your Fingertips

Rediscover CaLM: Advanced Laser Monitoring at Your Fingertips

Lasermet is thrilled to announce the new CaLM(Control and Laser Monitoring) System, now featuring a major upgrade in its features, uses and capabilities. This relaunch brings three key upgrades: a new look, responsive touch-screen interface, and the addition of Active Laser Jailer Monitoring for improved safety. These enhancements offer a more intuitive user experience with…