ICS-SOLO:New Look, Same Reliable Protection

ICS-SOLO:New Look, Same Reliable Protection

In today’s fast-paced industries, where laser technology plays a critical role in manufacturing, medical applications, and research, safety remains the top priority. Working with high-powered lasers demands precision, control, and robust safety measures to protect both personnel and the environment from potential hazards. To continue delivering cutting-edge laser safety solutions, Lasermet is excited to reintroduce…

Lasermet launches RealTime LSS

Lasermet launches RealTime LSS

Lasermet is launching RealTime LSS, an online laser safety calculator software. This tool is a game-changer for industries relying on laser technologies, offering an efficient and user-friendly solution to manage safety assessments on-the-go and in real time. After years of development, Lasermet is ready to unveil RealTime LSS – the onlinetool performing laser safety calculations…

A Guide to Safety for Optical Table Systems

A Guide to Safety for Optical Table Systems

Comprehensive Laser Safety Solutions designed for your needs In the domain of laser technology, safety is not just a priority – it’s a necessity. Whether in research laboratories, industrial, or medical facilities, controlling and mitigating the risks associated with laser use is crucial. At Lasermet, we design various laser safety products specifically for your needs:…

Equip laser systems with Lasermet’s LS-30 and LS-300 Series of Beam Shutters

Equip laser systems with Lasermet’s LS-30 and LS-300 Series of Beam Shutters

Lasermet launches the LS-30 and LS-300 Series of beam shutters, with its new look and upgraded features. The LS-30 laser shutters’ standard model and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) model has a spring-loaded shutter blade that enables it to be installed in different orientations and allows the customer to choose the best mounting orientation for any…

Success of Lasermet at Euroblech 2024

Success of Lasermet at Euroblech 2024

Lasermet made a powerful appearance at Euroblech, Europe’s leading exhibition for sheet metal working technology. Hosted in Hanover, Germany last 2024 of October 22-25, Euroblech attracts industry professionals from across the globe, showcasing innovations in laser cutting, automation, and manufacturing technologies. The exhibition is known for its highly technical focus, making it an ideal platform…

Laser Cleaning: A Powerful Tool with Safety in Mind

Laser Cleaning: A Powerful Tool with Safety in Mind

Laser cleaning is an innovative, environmentally friendly, non-contact method of removing contaminants, rust, or coatings from surfaces. Laser cleaning uses high-energy focused laser beams to clean the objects without damaging the base material. The laser vaporizes or breaks down unwanted layers through precise control of the laser energy. This technology has found applications across industries…

Rediscover CaLM: Advanced Laser Monitoring at Your Fingertips

Rediscover CaLM: Advanced Laser Monitoring at Your Fingertips

Lasermet is thrilled to announce the new CaLM(Control and Laser Monitoring) System, now featuring a major upgrade in its features, uses and capabilities. This relaunch brings three key upgrades: a new look, responsive touch-screen interface, and the addition of Active Laser Jailer Monitoring for improved safety. These enhancements offer a more intuitive user experience with…

Lasermet’s One With Nature Tree Planting Activity

Lasermet’s One With Nature Tree Planting Activity

Due to the rapid increase in climate change and flooding, Lasermet decided that this year would be the perfect time to conduct a tree planting activity as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility. The activity was organized at GKG Farm in Cansiguiring, Carmen, Cebu. It was a great opportunity for us to connect with nature…