Laser Blocking Roller Blinds

Protection from Stray Laser Radiation

Lasermet’s laser blocking roller blinds are designed as a passive guarding system to block laser light from escaping the theatre, laboratory or laser facility where Class 3B or Class 4 lasers are in use, either to protect against accidental exposure to the laser beam or for long term blocking of laser radiation at lower power densities.


Most Class 4 and many Class 3B lasers present an eye hazard over very long distances and it is therefore imperative to have comprehensive laser safety protection in place wherever they are present.

Laser radiation must be prevented from escaping through the windows of laboratories and production facilities. Ordinary curtains or screens are rarely capable of stopping a laser beam and specially designed blocking products are required.

Lasermet’s laser blocking roller blinds are designed as a passive guarding system to block laser light from escaping the theatre, laboratory or laser facility where Class 3B or Class 4 lasers are in use, either to protect against accidental exposure to the laser beam or for long term blocking of laser radiation at lower power densities.

The blinds are fitted to cover windows and to doors where there is a window built into the door, and Lasermet have several options to suit any application.

LBRB detail B by Lasermet Laser Safety Solutions
Lasermet Roller Blinds come interlocked with dual channel interlock switches
LBRB detail by Lasermet Laser Safety Solutions
The IS-MDC-12 interlock switch is shown here fitted to the Roller Blind

Lasermet’s Roller Blinds offer manual operation – chain or crank handle – or motorised versions which can be remotely controlled – either wireless or hard-wired.


Encapsulated laser safety roller blinds are made using Lasermet’s specially developed laser blocking Orca material, which is certified to BS EN IEC 60825-4 Safety of Laser Products, Part 4: Laser Guards.

The Roller Blind is built into a white finish aluminium frame, which encapsulates the top, both edges and bottom of the blind. This eliminates any possibility of laser beams passing around the sides of the blind, blocks out all direct light and provides a neat finish.

It is vital that Roller Blinds are certified and the material has been tested to the relevant laser safety standards. If non-compliant material were to be used – for example – untested, uncertified sun blocking material, this may have the potential to allow laser beams to penetrate the blind and consequently may cause harm to personnel and equipment.

LBRB clinic Before by Lasermet Laser Safety Solutions
BEFORE – Laser clinic using standard Venetian blinds,
LBRB clinic by Lasermet Laser Safety Solutions
AFTER – Laser clinic fitted with Laser Blocking Roller Blinds and Window Blocks
LBRB clinic open by Lasermet Laser Safety Solutions
AFTER – Laser Blocking Roller Blinds and Window Blocks fully open / retracted

In the UK, the National Health Service (NHS) has issued a Best Practice Guidance Document HBN 26 “ which provides guidance on facilities for in-patient operating theatres in acute general hospitals.

… All doors should be fitted with vision panels
capable of being obscured, and have laser-proof blinds…

Facilities for Surgical Procedures Vol 1. Paragraph 4.79

“Where lasers are to be used in an operating theatre, safety precautions in accordance with BS EN 60825 should be employed…”

Use of Lasers in the Operating Theatre. Paragraph 7.120
Roller Blinds 3x4 1 by Lasermet Laser Safety Solutions
Roller Blinds 3x4 D edited by Lasermet Laser Safety Solutions
Roller Blinds 3x4 B by Lasermet Laser Safety Solutions
Roller Blinds 3x4 F edited by Lasermet Laser Safety Solutions
Roller Blinds 3x4 C edited by Lasermet Laser Safety Solutions
Roller Blinds 3x4 E edited by Lasermet Laser Safety Solutions

Lasermet’s Orca Laser Blocking material are CE and UKCA marked and certified to BS EN IEC 60825-4 Safety of Laser Products Part 4: Laser Guards.

Protection times given by the material at various power densities are shown in the specifications below.

Irradiated AreaPEL (T3) 10SPEL (T2) 100S
4mm²3.9 MW/m²2.2 MW/m²
2000mm²0.62 MW/m²0.35 MW/m²

An alternative roller blind material is available from Lasermet which is suitable for some specific environments. The Wolf Laser Blocking material has a lower PEL rating but is still sufficient up to certain limits.

Irradiated AreaPEL (T3) 10SPEL (T2) 100S
4mm²248 kW/m²140 kW/m²
2000mm²124 kW/m²70 kW/m²

The Wolf Laser Blocking material was previously known as the Blackcat.